A Program For Executives, Entrepreneurs and Professionals

Recover and renew With Personalized and Precision Medicine. The smart way.

Revitalize your life

You feel like you’ve hit a dead end and are stuck. Your decision-making is foggy, your energy is low, and you’re constantly subject to physical discomfort. The exhaustion is overwhelming. Discover why this is happening with a unique epigenetic test in which metabolic pàthways and organ systems are altered, even years before a health problem appears, and reprogram your genetics with the help of natural bioactive peptides, supplements, and training in your best lifestyle.

The Self-Love Mantra

Being attractive to others in your personal and professional life is essential. However, forgetting to care for yourself can affect your health and career badly. Set boundaries and self-care habits allowing you to focus on yourself to improve your leadership potential, relationships, and environment in a wholesome manner.

Nurturing Your True Self

You appear to have a socially vibrant lifestyle but in reality, you’ve compromised your well-being for social acceptance. You don’t sleep well and your anxiety is growing every day, losing your alignment with yourself. Build your foundation of mental fitness by strengthening three critical mental muscles make stress work for you and not against you

About Me

While being Director of Wellness Services in one of the biggest health insurance companies in Europe, I became the father of twins. I was at a critical professional moment and carrying a demanding way of life.

As a mature daddy, I wanted to live my parenting to the fullest, so I found myself sleeping short, caring for the children, and working long, stressful hours. I was trying to succeed at everything, but I was putting my well-being on the back burner.

This meant a lot of caffeine to keep me going. A lot of smoking to calm my stress. At night, prescription sleep medications to fall asleep on time. I was constantly on the go and not eating healthy.

Living like this, my body accumulated a bad load, and I began to pay for it in the form of anxiety, overweight, and lack of drive.

Then, I had a severe bout of asthma and realized how I had given up my self-care on behalf of hard work and success. I discovered that was living through other’s expectations.

Through a breakthrough process to build my mental fitness, I boosted my Self-Command muscle and learned how to shift the balance of power from my inner Saboteurs to my inner Sage. So, I finally changed my mindset about what it means to be successful. Then, I had the motivation and positivism to fix my health problems.

Since then, I have been specializing in taking people through a transformational journey to enable their success without paying the health costs of the modern way of life. This makes me one of the few physicians in Europe coaching people to add healthy years to their lifespans.
Pedro L. González-Sanz is a certified physician specializing in Personalized Medicine. Represents the European Lifestyle Medicine Organization in Spain and is secretary general of the Spanish Institute of Lifestyle Medicine. He uses innovative approaches based on epigenetics, prevention, lifestyle medicine, and behavior change.

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Business Owner

“When I met Dr. González I was in shock. The specialists diagnosed me with a gastric infection and metaplasia (some precancerous cells from the intestine in my stomach). My stress levels went even further adding my health problems to all the difficulties of running a business nowadays.
Dr. González helped me see the inner relationships between my mindset, my stress levels, other lifestyle habits, and my health and performance capacity. Through precise analysis, he detected the imbalances I had and corrected them. But the best was the renewed idea about my self-care and the need to put myself first to be able to support and grow my family and business. Without much effort, I have recovered my energy and drive, and have integrated some forgotten habits like eating slower, being more active, and giving, myself more time to sleep. I feel renewed without the fear of gastric cancer risk, but most importantly I have been able to reconsider what a good life entails.”


“Being 40 and having been a sportsman always I never thought how much influence my daily action had on my well-being. Thanks to the guidance and analysis made with Dr. González I realized how to optimize my health and prevent future diseases. Overall, I learned to be more compassionate and take more care of myself, opening a brand-new perspective in my action as a husband and business consultant.”


A Program For Executives, Entrepreneurs and Professionals

Recover and renew With Personalized and Precision Medicine. The smart way.